Monday 25 January 2010

Modern Warfare 2 for PC - Why Dedicated Fans deserve a Dedicated Company

Sidenote: in order to see if people are actually reading my posts in full, the first person to comment on this post and tell me, in order, the three words that are in bold and a different colour will be awarded the pride of having done so. Also, if you include your details such as your blog (if you have one), your Twitter, etc. I will make a point of including them in a future post.

You may, upon reading the title of this post, instantly assume that this is just going to be a rant on the lack of dedicated servers in the PC version of Modern Warfare 2, and while I can assure you that it is not, let me just get that bit out of the way first. So, the PC version of MW2 blah does not support dedicated servers blah no control over kicks and bans blah limited number of players blah no modification can be done blah it's terrible and Infinity Ward should not have done it've heard it all before. While I am not exactly pleased about the lack of dedicated server support, the main crux of this post isn't about that. It's about the system that we were given in its place. Its number is 666, and its name is IWNet.

Disclaimer: unless I specifically say otherwise, all games that I refer to in this post are the PC versions of said games.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

This Whole Apple Tablet Thing...or maybe not

Apple. The one company in the world that could market a battery powered torch and sell millions. Of course, an Apple torch would be like no other torch before. It would be crafted from a single block of aluminium, use only the best LEDs for lighting, and then it would doubtless be called iTorch. Oh, the battery would be non-removable, completely defeating the point of a battery-powered torch, and instead of a button to turn it on and off, there would be a touch-sensitive surface that would drive you past the point of insanity on the first day of ownership, but that doesn't matter because it's made by Apple and it looks beautiful. And, because it's an Apple product, every other torch that is ever made for the rest of eternity will automatically become a rip-off of the iTorch, and the true Apple fanboys will argue this to the death, not considering the reality that they are trying to defend what can only be described as A FUCKING TORCH. Or maybe that's the Fleshlight, but let's just leave that one alone.

The whole point of the preceding analogy is not so much of an introduction to my thoughts on the not-yet-announced-but-definitely-going-to-happen Apple Tablet, as it is a completely accurate presentation of my opinion of the typical Apple fan, the only type of person who would ignore all conclusive evidence that shooting people with guns will kill them if Steve Jobs said otherwise. Even if said Apple fan had just been introduced to my good friend Mr. AK-47, he would still argue to his death (see what I did there) that it was not the gun that killed him, but rather the single fraction of a nanosecond before he was shot in which he wasn't praying to the all-powerful iDeity.

Welcome to the Dregs

If you are reading this, it means that you have either come here by some sort of accident, followed a link from my Twitter page, or you are looking over my shoulder right now. I don't really expect anyone to have come to this blog out of any actual interest, because I am completely aware of the reality that this blog is just one more grain of sand in the desert of tech blogs, where Engadget, Gizmodo, and Mashable are the shining oases.

For a long time, I have had very strong opinions on the going-ons in the world of technology, but there are few places where I can actually vent these opinions without getting banned for excessive use of bad language, or getting flamed by forum trolls, or getting 10 'tl;dr' replies in a row. Even Twitter, which I love, is a difficult medium to use, because of the 140 character limit on Tweets. I need a place where I can freely share my thoughts. This is why this blog exists.

Even if nobody reads my posts (which I completely expect will likely be the case), the very action of writing the posts is enough for me. All I want is to put forward my opinions, and this is a perfect way to do it. This may sound strange, and that's because it is, but it's the absolute truth. And with that, I shall end my first ever post on this blog, and bid you all good day. Good day.